On 12th August 2009 Amy Winehouse appeared in Budapest. Many people saw her walking with her bodyguards in Váci Street. There are some video documentaries about her arrival on Sziget Festival. She greeted Ágens (Hungarian contemporary singer) warmly on the stage and invited her to London to make a common show.
Participants: Zsuzsanna Madak, Gergely Fogarasi, Balazs Karolyi, Tunde Lenz, Dora Juhasz, Veronika Hermann, Balint Revesz, Julia Maar, Istvan Csernak, Ferenc Kapitany
Kapcsolódó linkek:
Amy Winehouse-nak látszó lény rettent Budapesten (VELVET)
Amy Winehouse a Sziget Fesztiválon (Ágens interjú)
Amy Winehouse a Sziget Fesztivál nyitónapján (Ágens interjú)
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